Monday, August 12, 2024

My Secret Career 3: Fecund Youth Accepts One Final Mission

Fecund Youth makes one more appearance in my own personal discography. 

In 2017 I settled on the name Sun Zed as an entity to release music under. I did make music while I thought of myself as that name but I never released any of it. This is a pattern with me. One piece of music spans many eras, the song “Hitler’s Chalet”.

The story of the song "Hitler's Chalet" goes waaaaaaaay back. Long before I ever saw "Inglorious Basterds", I dreamt that I was to infiltrate Berghof, Hitler's mountain retreat. The dream was vivid, with me riding up into the Bavarian Alps, formulating a plan to assassinate Hitler and thus put an end to WW2.

I could comb back through my dream journals to prove that I didn't crib this idea from Quentin Tarantino. My lawyers are still trying to get some money out of him for theft of intellectual property. I suspect that the glowing interior of the suitcase in "Pulp Fiction" was actually a page from my diary.

I had attempted to record a different song, with Cashel playing bass and lead guitar. I worked very hard at it, only to find that I had played the underlying structure incorrectly and now the lyrics didn't fit anymore. It sat on the hard drive for several years.

Then, and I am not really sure how this happened, I remembered the dream about Hitler's chalet. In the dream I was all alone. In the song, I rope Fecund Youth into the assassination plot. Quick as a wink, I scribbled new lyrics out, and finished the song. Here are the lyrics (such as they are) to "Hitler's Chalet" from Sun Zed:

Hitler's Chalet

Just another old man on a mountain top/Made me so mad I just about blew my top

The sidecar motorbike was vanished by the valet/Came back and ushered me into Hitler's chalet

We ain't got time to bleed/We only move at top speed

We need to breed/That's why we dropped our seed/"Fecund Youth!" is the creed!

Tommy D's on the parapet/Circling the drones

Christner's in the moat/Drilling in to cut the phones

J-Man is en route from the jet/If his parachute deploys before he hits the Rhone/He won't even get wet

Me, I'm serving up drinks in my rented suit/I'm about to drop the pills/Into the champagne boot

Sprinting down the hallway with a bloody corkscrew/Shaved off that stupid mustache too!

Well, who the fuck are you?

Here's Hitler's Chalet, by Sun Zed. But Fecund Youth would have covered the shit outta this song, right in between “King Of Rock” and “Fight For Your Right”. Or maybe this is Sun Zed covering an old Fecund Youth chestnut? Who can say anymore…

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